Vascular anomalies are pronounced or enlarged veins and blood vessels that can appear on your skin. They are usually harmless but they can be aesthetically undesirable or uncomfortable. Laser procedures have been refined to help minimise or eliminate the appearance of these conditions.

The procedure can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes or even longer for the legs. Slight discomfort or, indeed virtually painless for the face. A little bit more discomfort on legs. Thanks to the sapphire contact cooling system integrated into the Skin Medic’s laser device.

Laser procedures might be right for you if you suffer from:

Venous Lakes are a small blood vessel that has become enlarged and become a small soft blob. They’re often caused by exposure to the sun and found around the mouth or ears. Their name is derived from the violet or blue colour often associated with them. They’re not contagious or cancerous, but they can become painful or bleed if knocked or caught.

Spider veins (telangiectasia) is a condition in which widened blood vessels beneath the skin cause small, threadlike red/blue lines to appear on the surface. These lines are often clustered or tangled giving them their trademark web-like appearance. Whilst telangiectasia usually occurs in otherwise healthy people, it can occasionally be symptomatic of a larger concern, which may require treatment.

Angiomas or cherry angiomas are overgrown blood vessels that appear as small, usually red growths. They are thought to be largely hereditary – i.e. if your mum or dad had them chances are you’ll have them or get them too. They’re benign and common but their bright colour and tendency to appear in highly visible areas of your skin can be undesirable and cause self-confidence or social issues.

Port Wine Stains (PWS) ‘Nevus flammeus’ are red marks, usually appearing on the face and neck. Whilst they are most commonly birthmarks they can occasionally appear in early childhood. They are not known to be health concerns but they can be very large and highly visible. They are not widely understood which, particularly for a child, can be a difficult reality to live with. Removal or minimisation of a port wine stain usually requires multiple treatments at least 6 weeks apart to let the effects of the procedure run their course

Pronounced leg or facial veins. Aside from any of these conditions veins can sometimes appear large or overly visible without a precipitating condition. These kinds of veins are very common and are usually not indicative of health concerns but can be unsightly or unwanted, particularly around the face and legs. Laser procedures for these kinds of veins is typically very simple.